The ultimate goal of Men’s Ministry at COC is to create disciples of Jesus Christ: men who KNOW Jesus, are EQUIPPED to live like Jesus, and TRANSFORM the world by service Jesus (2 Timothy 3:15-17). As we learn to become followers of Jesus we will become a better fathers, husbands, friends, and neighbors. None of us are meant to go on this journey alone. We are in this together!!  We have multiple men’s events through out the year to help you get connected and we have weekly men’s groups to help you dive deeper into your faith.


The Women’s Ministry at Church of Celebration is for all women - no matter your age, background or life stage. Our mission is to meet ladies right where they are and  come along side them, encouraging, supporting, praying, and equipping them in their journey with God.

We desire to GROW deeper in our faith and stronger through the Christ-centered relationships we have with each other.
We strive to GIVE encouragement and share His love in our community through our gifts and talents.
We aim to GO out and demonstrate His love and grace through our lives and relationships.

Through our small groups, bible studies, and events, we will worship and serve the Lord together. We want every woman to feel love, and accepted for who she is in Christ so that she is transformed and empowered to live out Christ’s life in her.